About Us

The Parent-Teacher Association Mongolia (PTA Mongolia) is a non-governmental organization dedicated to improving the quality of education for children in Mongolia by building effective multi-stakeholder partnership--including parents, teachers, marginalized and disabled persons, local governments and other international and national civil society groups--and by empowering the stakeholders through education on good parenting, childhood development and active citizenship.
PTA Mongolia stands by its principles to be non-discriminative, non-partisan, non-religious, inclusive, equal, effective, child friendly and accountable in its policies and actions.
PTA Mongolia implements programs to (a) create models of child-friendly Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) facilities in rural schools serving children from nomadic families and soum residents without access or experience to appropriate facilities, (b) empower deaf community groups to help them raise their voice and improve inclusive education by learning to be active citizens through voter education program and (c) increase parenting education through learning on positive disciplining, early childhood development and communicating in sign language with deaf children.